The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #1411 Hos kc 4-1

What makes America the greatest nation on earth?

Try conducting a poll among a group of Christians
and see how many respond with the answer,
"Because God Blesses America".

Few seem to know from whom all our blessings flow,
yet that is precisely why this "One nation under God"
is now the "head" of the nations and no longer the "tail".

But while God has blessed America the Beautiful with an abundance of natural resources
and prosperity because of His unconditional promise to our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
America has forgotten God and "knows Him not" because she has forgotten His Word.

Oh, there are many of our people who belong to and attend church,
especially on Christmas Eve,
but they are Biblically illiterate and are steeped in a feel good idolatrous churchianity
which goes by the name "Christian".

They know not that they, as true Israel, the descendants of their forefathers
whom God brought forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand,
have once again become enslaved by their taskmasters,
even the kenites,
who among others things have placed them in economic bondage
through a debt system economy laded with usury.

But that's not the worst of it!

They know not that the king of Babylon (antichrist)
is soon coming to take them away (spiritually)
and place them in spiritual bondage, to him!

They will love him for they will believe he is Jesus Christ.

Have you ever heard a Christian ask the question
"Why does God allow this to happen to me"?

That Christian has failed to see the love and the purpose
and the grace in the "negative part" of God's Plan.

Well, I suppose children fail to see the love and purpose in the discipline
and correction they receive from their parents,
but it is true that children who are disciplined by loving parents
grow in love and fondness for their parents because
they know that they are loved by them and they care about them.

The point to all this is that we must realize that it was, as it is today,
Israel's willful choice to become an harlot
and go whoring after other gods.

Likewise, it must also be Israel's choice to return unto Him.

It is true that America and the Christian nations of the world
are steeped in idolatry
but as it is written in Romans chapter 11,
they are blinded and they do not know it.

They have become deceived by the MANY false prophets (Mat. 24, Mk. 13)
who have come in the name of Christ,
i.e. they are Christian ministers and preachers,
and who teach the traditions of men
and not the Word of God chapter by chapter and line by line.

It seems that many of our people are naive
to the extent that if a person or a group or a minister merely calls itself or himself "Christian",
then it must be so!

The truth is, "It isn't so!"

Those same people will quickly be deceived (seduced)
by the false messiah when he shows up with power and signs and wonders
and performs miracles in the sight of men,
showing and claiming that he is Jesus Christ (2 Thes. 2).

In fact, the whole world, including the majority of Christianity,
except for God's elect who have the seal of God in their foreheads (Rev. 9),
will believe he is Jesus Christ.

What about you?

Do you know who the true Bridegroom is
because you know the Word of God
must you learn through the shame and embarrassment
of discovering "at that day" when Christ returns
that you have been an harlot and you are spiritually naked?

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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