The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1473 Hos kc 19-1

"Didn't you read My Word?", Jesus will ask?

The Book of Hosea teaches us about salvation,
and in particular about the salvation of the 10 tribes of the House of Israel.

In doing so we are first shown in vivid,
graphic similitude exactly how our Father looks upon the idolatry of His children.

And He doesn't "mince words" or "beat around the bush" either.

He simply compares their religious worship to a bunch of lewd whores!

Hopefully you have gotten the picture by now!

Just so you know that when Ephraim's reproach,
his shame, comes upon him and those Christians who will have worshipped the soon coming antichrist,
the false messiah, as the Lord Jesus Christ,
stand (spiritually) naked and unacceptable before the true Bridegroom,
fully exposed as (spiritual) harlots, that it was written of long,
long ago in the great Book of Hosea.

"Didn't you read My Word?", He will ask?

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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