The American Wisdom Series 

Pamphlet #2002

The Big Lie

Scholars would want us to believe that our founding fathers intended government to be separated from religion.

How foolish and ignorant must our current "scholars" be?

When I see that every coin minted in the United States bears, along with the bust of a past national hero, these words: Liberty - In God We Trust; don't try to tell me our Founding Fathers wanted to keep religion out of government. They didn't choose these inseparable words lightly.

They knew the tremendous cost and sacrifice that had been paid to secure our freedom.

They continually acknowledged that God had made and preserved out nation.

They knew that God was blessing their endeavors because they acknowledged Him and sought His aid in every thing they did.

They warned future generations that the day they stopped earnestly revering God in America, would start the beginning of Americas decline in fact and in the eyes of the world.

We had better review their urgent warnings and the wisdom that they drew from when they forged the greatest and most prosperous nation in the history of man.

We have lost their way because we seem to no longer know our Christian heritage.

We listen to and believe what we see and hear from the public media. They think of themselves as part of the scholarly elite, fact is, they have also bought into the Big Lie.

History is being rewritten

History is being rewritten to distort or ignore the fact that early America heritage was a Christian heritage. Several times in the history of our nation we have experienced widespread spiritual awakenings. Revivals that have put God's people back on course. Downward trends in society have been reversed and profound social impact has been released.

In Jesus Christ lie all the secrets of the universe; the origin of life, the direction of history, and the life beyond.

Our Founding Fathers clearly understood that without God's sovereign hand behind all history; we, their descendants, will overlook the true meaning of our land.

Let today's generation of American citizens learn to know,now,the mighty sweep of spiritual events in our heritageand the story of how, and when , and why "God shed His grace on thee".

When I read documented accounts of how enemy soldiers stopped shooting at George Washington, while he sat upon his horse, within range and in wide open view, because they determined it was a waste of ammunition; they had shot two horses out from under him and four bullet holes in his coat, but he had not a scratch; don't tell me God wasn't looking out for our yet to be formed government; and don't tell me our Founding Fathers didn't know it and don't tell me they would even have thought it sane to exclude God from our government.

They chose to keep our government from interfering in each individual's religion but it is The Big Lieto believe they would have considered keeping his religion out of government.

If religion was to be kept out of government, the following accounts are strange indeed!

During the American Revolution the congress determined there was a shortage of Bibles; prior to the war most Bibles had been imported from England. In 1777, during the war, while many things were in short supply, congress ordered the import of 20,000 Bibles from Holland, Scotland or elsewhere, into different parts of the States of the Union. In 1780 the need again arose and congress gave Robert Aitken of Philadelphia the green light to print Bibles as needed.In 1781 these "Bibles of the Revolution" as they were called started to come off the press. Today copies of this first American printing are among the rarest books in the world. If congress imported and then ordered the printing of these Bible while at war; don't tell me they wanted to keep religion out of government.

When I visit Washington, DC and see the scriptural writing on the sides of buildings which were built under our Founding Fathers supervision; don't try to tell me our Founding Fathers wanted to keep religion out of government

Since the first session, every session of congress has been started with a prayer; don't tell me our Founding Fathers wanted to keep religion out of

Above the head of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court are the Ten Commandments, with the great American Eagle protecting them. Moses is included among the great law givers in a marble sculpture group on the east front of the building. The crier who opens each session closes with the words, "God save the United States and the Honorable Court:.

Numerous quotations of scripture can be found on the walls of congress, the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials and the Washington Monument; don't tell me early American officials wanted to keep God out of our government.

Thomas Jefferson said, "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever."

We have removed God from our county and we will be destroyed for it;

unless we act in time to turn it around.

If we continue to support the two major parties who have taken us to where we are,

I fear for our future.

I call on

the rich and the poor,
the strong and the weak,
from our smallest towns,
to our largest cities,
all of us living in Pennsylvania
and out of Pennsylvania

to change your party affiliation;

become a member of the Constitution Party;

become a principled candidate
for Local office,
for County office,
for State office,
for National offices;

work to help elect
principled Constitution Party candidates;
help us pass out literature
man polling places on election day

vote for
Principled Constitution Party candidates.

Constitution Party
Statement of Principles

We recognize and affirm the God-given dignity of the individual and believe that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Pennsylvania Declaration of Rights most clearly articulate this basic principle. To restore and preserve that fundamental human dignity, we proclaim:

That every individual has a paramount right to life from conception until natural death and the government shall not infringe upon that right.

That the right of citizens to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and others shall not be questioned.

That the freedom to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of property and other assets is an inseparable extension of the individual's inalienable rights.

That the primary unit of society is the family (persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption) and it must be accorded all rights and responsibilities to direct care of its members, particularly in the areas of education, health care, discipline, and the upbringing of children without government interference.

That the United States of America is a sovereign nation and therefore must maintain control over its own affairs.

That guided by Divine Providence, our Founding Fathers established this nation on Judeo-Christian principles and therefore the right to the free exercise of religious beliefs is inviolate.

That our government is one of limited, delegated powers operating as a republic within the confines of the Constitution of the United States of America. The federal government derives its authority from its sovereign citizens and it is to be their servant, not their master.

Published by:
Rhine Publishing Co.
199 Joseph Drive
Middletown, PA 17057

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