The American Wisdom Series 

Pamphlet # 209

Guns, Parents, Children

and Evil Deeds

Facts about guns and evil deeds

Evil in the world is part of life

and will be with us into the humanly foreseeable future.

Guns can be and are sometimes used for evil purposes.

Guns in and of themselves are not evil.

Guns can be and are most times used for good purposes.

Current Thought by many

Today, a generation of parents are raising their children while they themselves, don't appreciate the value of guns for stopping evil. All they believe is "guns are evil."

When did our fellow citizens start to think negatively about guns?

Two generations ago most parents encouraged their children to became familiar with guns, especially in the rural areas of our country where guns were more a part of the daily lives of most families. We had less violence then, because people knew and respected the danger of weapon's misuse and anyone with thoughts of committing a violent act knew his odds of finding an unarmed victim were smaller than today.

We had just been through a great war. People knew the consequences, if we had lost that war and our people were not armed.

Children played with toy guns and as soon as they were mature enough owned their own gun. They were taught the proper safe use of their weapon. Having first played with toy guns, their first real gun didn't feel uncomfortable to them and with some preliminary coaching from a parent who was himself or herself familiar with firearms; the transition to that first real gun was safe and routine.

As our society became less rural, a much smaller percentage of families having contact with guns on a regular basis; we now have parents, raising children, who don't, themselves, know and appreciate the value of and our critical need for arms.

What does this mean to our future?

The future of our nation as a free society depends on our "we the people" maintaining the right to keep and bear arms anonymously. We can't allow our government to make us register our guns.If they do and then become too tyrannical we won't stand a chance of keeping our arms, much less regaining other lost freedoms. Like in third world countries, we will be taken over by dictators if we don't maintain this right to be armed. Not only America but all of the free world is ultimately dependent on the armed citizenry of the United States for their freedom.

We need private anonymous ownership of arms for protection from individuals who would harm us.

For protection from foreign invasion

should our government be defeated in war.

For protection, and as a tool

to win back freedom should our own government

become too tyrannical

We are at a Crossroads

of American History

(Our future is in our children)

Unless we act now to change the pattern, in another generation or two we will have raised a society of people where a majority think of guns as evil rather than people doing evil with guns as their tool.When that day comes and a majority of people mistakenly think all will be well if they can rid our country of guns, not knowing that all they will do is rid the country of good people having guns,it will be too late to save our freedoms; Speech, Assembly, Religion; all will be gone.

We have already raised a generation of children's parents who don't know or understand the need to maintain familiarity with guns in our society.They don't realize that our freedoms and the freedom of the world depends on our Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

If we do nothing, another generation of children will grow to adults with even less respect for arms then our current generation of parents; eventually guns will only be available to those who would do evil; (whether criminal or political evil). We will lose our country, as we know it today, and the freedoms we have come to take for granted.

We, who recognize the problem, can continue to bury our heads in the sand and allow uninformed people to pretend that if only guns weren't available things would be ok

or we can do something about it!

First we must petition congress to vote down any further attempts at anti gun legislation. We must petition them to vote responsibly and not give in to demands from uninformed people who haven't thought beyond the problems of today.

Secondwe have a moral responsibility to educate people; they must be taught that guns will always be available, no matter what we do, and when used for good, continue to be the salvation here on earth, of our freedom...We can teach our children, sons and daughters, how to use guns to do good.

To be given the opportunity to teach other peoples children is going to be the challenging task, but if we don't try, future generations, living in slavery, will have no reason to think kindly of us.

We must start programs where young parents and their children can be taught the true facts about guns and skills for using them. All who care about our future as a free people must get involved.Start a training facility in your neighborhood.

We must make it our national priority

to see that all children's parents

who don't realize the need

for good people to have guns,

recognize that they are wrong,

and therefore encourage their children

to learn as much as possible,

about handling weapons,

from qualified instructors

"Like You and Me"

We need to teach how destructive guns can be when used improperly.We must teach the responsibility of using guns safely and skillfully. We must teach how to use guns to control evil. We must teach the need to have guns to repel tyranny.

If we don't; we have failed them and future generations. If we do, we will continue to live far into the future with citizens having private anonymous ownership of guns to protect society from evil criminal acts and/or government tyranny.

Benefits of education

Our children and therefore, future generations will learn that guns in the hands of good, honest, well trained people are:

#1. Comfortable to handle and shoot and not dangerous to themselves or their friends.

#2. A deterrent to crime because the criminal will no longer be able to assume that his potential victim is defenseless.

#3. A strong deterrent to prevent tyrannical government from taking permanent root.

#4. Our only means of regaining lost freedoms if it should become necessary.

#5. The only way to hold our land if the United States were to be defeated in war.

We will finally stop seeing uninformed legislators introduce anti gun legislation which if passed takes us one step closer to slavery.

And most important,

they will learn never again

to treat

the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

as an evil

instead treating it for what it is;

our only hope of remaining a free people.

Thomas Jefferson felt that every boy of age 10 should be given a gun and taught its safe and skillful use. He also told his young nephew, "a strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun; while this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with a ball, and other of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind.Let your gun therefore be the companion of your walks."

This is no less true today!

Instructions from our Lord

While Jesus walked this earth he sent his disciples out to preach without money, or duffle bag or extra clothes.

Luke 9:3 & 10:4

Near the end of his stay on earth when he knew he would soon, no longer be here to protect them he asked his disciples, "When I sent you to preach the Good News and you were without money, duffle bag or extra clothes, how did you get along?"

They replied, "fine"

"But now", he said, " take a duffle bag if you have one, and your money, and if you don't have a sword, better sell your clothes and buy one. For the time has come for this prophecy about me to come true: 'He will be condemned as a criminal!' Yes, everything written about me by the prophets will come true."

His disciples replied, "Master, we have two swords among us."

"Enough!" he said. Luke 22:35-38

If we listen to Jesus

Jesus had twelve disciples and told them 2 swords would be enough. Once Christ returns, no arms will be necessary, but until then; If 2 out of every twelve, good honest American adults were armed at all times we could all but eliminate violence in America.

Just imagine for a minute, if you will, what would happen if 2 out of every twelve evil acts ended with a potential victim shooting the perpetrator. It wouldn't be too long until evil acts became less attractive to evil people.

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