The"American Wisdom Series"
   Pamphlet #305
The Five Most Important Issues
Facing Our Country Today
by: John Rhine

Issue #1. Our need to elect God fearing men as our leaders.

The number one issue facing our nation today is not abortion, or education, or crime control, or taxes, or a multitude of other, much talked about things. Those are symptoms of our much greater problem, which is the average citizens lack of attention, to, or concern for, whether his leaders fear God. The preservation of our system of self-government is dependent on the condition of the heart, of our leaders. President Thomas Jefferson said, "The reason that Christianity is the best friend of Government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart."

Some of us have forgotten and many of us deny, that our republican form of representative government was designed to be lead by men who fear God. Not, greedy, career politicians, whose only goal is to take our tax money and use it to guarantee their own re-election. First Chief Justice of Supreme Court, John Jay, once said, "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers. And it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."

Instead of voting our conscience, and voting for a God fearing candidate, even if he may be from a third party; too many of us, say, "he can't win, so I'll support the lesser of the two evils, offered by the Republicans and Democrats". Then, we wonder why government continues to become more evil, with each passing generation.

If you think I'm wrong, about freedom eroding, unless government is run by men who fear the Lord, I want to tell you a story.

"Daughter Jane and Little Johnny"

When daughter Jane, your first born, was old enough to play with other children, she would snatch away their crayons, and say, "mine, mine, mine."

I'm sure you will agree, I'm right about this. All children do it!

 When little Johnny, your second born, was old enough to play with Jane, she took his crayons, also, and said, "mine, mine, mine".

I'm still right, aren't I?

 When little Johnny, grew bigger and stronger than her, he pushed her aside and took them back, along with some of hers, and he said, "mine, mine, mine."

I'm still right, aren't I?

 We didn't have to teach Jane or Johnny to do that. You see, we humans, are by nature, greedy. The only thing that prevented Jane and John from stealing crayons, while children, was our parental discipline.

I'm still right, aren't I?

 That was ok, while Jane and John lived at home with us, but, if we didn't teach them to fear the Lord, and later, sent them out into the world, as adults, without any fear of future discipline or hope for future salvation; they still have that greedy, fallen, human nature. Nothing has taken it away. As Thomas Jefferson feared, their hearts have not been changed!

I'm still right, aren't I?

 Now if Jane or John, are elected as government leaders, guess what? "Mine, Mine, Mine", they still say, but, the crayons are now, our tax dollars.

Admit it, I'm right!

How do we recognize God fearing humans? How do we know who to vote for, or not to vote for? Well, we certainly can't tell, based on what they say. Just like stealing crayons, no one has to teach, us humans to lie. And, we certainly can't tell by counting the number of Bibles they carry under their arm, or the number of times we see them go to church. Some of our most lying and cheating politicians, in recent years, went to church with Bibles under their arms, regularly.

No, my Bible says, the only way to judge a tree is by the fruit it bears. That makes it pretty easy, when deciding whether or not to re-elect the present leaders. Whether or not, to vote for the challengers, that's a bit harder. It sure would help, if the media did their job, but, be careful; reporters stole crayons as youngsters, also.

We voters, have our work cut out for us, but, if we are to turn this country back unto its limited constitutional course, we must elect leaders who know, that one day, they must face their Creator.

Issue #2 - Child Sacrifice

I have read my copy of the United States Constitution, many times, and I find, there are only two ways to amend it; neither of which, involve the Supreme Court. Roe viruses Wade only applies to one case, not the constitution.

If the life, that is started at the moment of conception, isn't human life, what is it? It is human life, and the fifth amendment to the United States Constitution declares, that no one shall be deprived of life, without, due process of law.

If our legislators and president aren't committed, as they vowed, to preserve and protect the rights our government was formed to preserve and protect, those leaders, ought to be changed. We, should elect Constitution Party leaders, people, who understand why our government was formed.

"We the People" are quick to condemn Hitler and the German people for the holocaust. It was a terrible thing, but the murder of six million Jewish people during World War II does not compare to the sin we in American condone, while worshipping the "god of choice". Forty million children sacrificed (murdered), since one misguided, unconstitutional, ruling was made by our Supreme Court.

Child Sacrifice must end. In 1776, our Founding Fathers, made the following Declaration of Independence; they declared, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. They fought for, and after winning the war, formed our government to preserve and protect, our inalienable rights.

Today, our government, rather than protecting unborn life, is encouraging its destruction. Enough said, I hang my head in shame, for my country, and "We the People" who support Child Sacrifice!

Issue #3. - Maintaining our Inalienable Rights

If "We the People" don't soon wake up and take back our government, there will be nothing left of the free society our forefathers founded this nation to preserve and protect.

Our property rights are completely gone. We have conceded our property rights to multiple zoning boards and fail to recognize an evil which is far greater than any thing any one of us might choose to do with his property. That evil being, government controlling other peoples property, both physical and, lately, conscience.

Our right to enjoy the fruits of our labor is gone. Since the 1913 (confiscate your money) amendment was ratified, your earned income is yours, only to the extent, government says you may keep some of it; even if you must, now, send your wife to work, in order to feed, house and cloth your family.

Our right to freedom from search and seizure is a thing of the past; having fallen victim to the so called war on drugs and the battle against alcohol abuse. Our government has become tyrannical to the point of confiscating personal property from persons suspected of being involved in drug trade; many times, without charges of wrong doing ever being filed. They, now stop and detain innocent travelers in the hope of finding a few persons, guilty of driving under the influence. Benjamin Franklin once said, "they that give up essential freedom for a little security, deserve neither freedom nor security".

We still seem to cherish our freedom of speech and assembly. Is this because the press values their freedom of speech, above all other freedoms? The press, if only they'd think the situation through, could do so much to help us preserve all our rights. For some incomprehensible reason, they don't realize that our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is their only source of, free speech, security.

What will it require to keep our remaining freedoms? In the Twenty first century, and this has been true for all of human history, we as individuals, collectively, must remain stronger than our government. That is the reason for the second amendment to our Founders Constitution. It was true in 1776 and it is true in 2000. Patrick Henry said, "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined"

Once we allow, our government to know where our weapons are, and who owns them; we will lose them. Without collective, individual, strength (our guns), all freedoms will disappear rapidly. In one generation we will be reduced to slavery. Serfs, working for a government, controlled by corporations. Once our guns are gone, we can no longer defend our freedom against the standing army our Founding Fathers feared so much.

Note: The government's standing army, which I worry about, is not the United States military, (army, navy and air force). For the most part, those young men, are, our children and not to be feared. The standing army, we must fear, is the 80,000 storm troopers now working for 45 federal agencies, just an incredible assault on the principle of Liberty. They talk about taking assault weapons from the people. We need to take the assault weapons from the government because what we have seen is the incremental build-up of the kind of standing army, against which the Founding Fathers warned. They are in agencies like the CIA, FBI and ATF; the folks we saw in Miami on that sad day when the law-abiding Gonzalez family had their home invaded with 151 federal storm troopers participating. Many in this army are trained killers, indoctrinated to think of "We the People" as the enemy, to be baited into breaking rules, and then dealt with, without conscience, as in Waco and Ruby Ridge. You know, we now have 45 federal agencies that have their own little S.W.A.T. teams like the one we saw in Miami - with the ski masks and the assault weapons and camoflage outfits.

What happened is a reflection of policies that have built up through many administrations. Not just Clinton, not just Bush, but even the Reagan Administration, the Carter Administration. - And with the emergency powers that have been declared by Presidents Reagan and Nixon and Carter and Clinton and Bush, the ability of the President unconstitutionally to suspend our liberties is overwhelming. We've got to turn that around. We need a party that believes in the

Constitution; that stands for the same things for which Jefferson and Washington and others stood when this country got under way. And neither the Democrats or the Republicans stand for that today.

Issue #4 - Education

The United States Constitution is clear, the United States of America has no authority to be involved in the education of our children, in any capacity. This includes setting policy or financing education. The education of our children is not some sort of situation, which can't be handled locally, such as National defense, or the oversight of interstate commerce; therefore, it is only common sense, that, the federal government, not take our dollars, only to return a small portion of those dollars back to us, with strings attached, to educate our children.

The Pennsylvania Constitution does allow that our state should support the education of our youth. This is only fitting, because some communities, being less prosperous than others, would not be able to provide the level of education, it is in the best interest of the State, to provide. The State should provide an equal amount of funding per child, to all parents, so that they can choose where each child is educated and how.

This fact, having been established, does not dictate that the State has any right to mandate what we, at the local level, choose to teach our children. We must have complete policy and curriculum control within our local school boards, including decisions on whether or not to teach religion in our public school. If one school taught Christianity and another Judaism and yet another Hinduism, or any other type of religious education, so be it. Isn't that what made this nation great? Different people, with different beliefs, banding together, for a common goal, of freedom from persecution. Freedom of life, liberty and prosperity.

What, the course of study is, can only be a local decision. That, is the only option, which allows parents, the flexibility to move their children to the school of their choice, within a public school system.

If the State government were doing its job, it would be demanding that the Federal government stay out of our States' sovereign affairs, and stop taking dollars from our citizens to finance unconstitutional functions. Providing, the Federal government did not confiscate such a large portion of our income, State government, would have no problem raising the necessary funds to successfully support our locally, run schools.

Issue #5 - Taxes

As long as "we the people" are willing to send $100.00 to Washington (Big Government), so that they will return $10.00 to our community to solve a $20.00 problem, we are going to get government leaders, who feed like hungry hogs at the public tax trough. Using our tax money to manipulate us into re-electing them to another term in office.

As long as we are willing pay $100.00 in taxes on each $200.00 we earn, and then send our wives to work, so we can still feed, cloth and house our families, government tyranny will increase.

The most evil thing greedy politicians have done is start payroll deduction of taxes. If the average American family had to write out a check each month to pay for their share of the government programs, they think they receive free; if they had to pay for these programs monthly like the electric, telephone, water or sewage bill, they would wake up, and most likely revolt.

Third Party Movement

"We the people" have become so comfortable with what's left of the lifestyle our Founding Fathers made it possible to achieve, by establishing the constitutional government they gave us, that we have become inattentive. We don't even notice that over several generations, and at an ever increasing pace, the inalienable rights and freedoms, they formed our constitutionally limited government to preserve and protect, are slipping away.

Unless we turn back, from our present course, of electing Republicans and Democrats, who are leading us closer and closer to total government infringement on our rights, our descendants will curse us, for our lack of foresight. We are forging their chains.

Many of us, the ones who are paying attention, are so disgusted with the Republican and Democratic choices offered us, each election, that we have dropped out of the system; we no longer vote, we just let them have their way. Or, worse yet, we still vote, but hold our nose and vote for the lessor of two evils.

I am often ask, do you really think a third party candidate has a chance of winning one of the higher offices?

I answer, no, not at this time.  America is not ready, but, when the time comes, I believe the Constitution party, will be here to accept the challenge of turning our country around.  If that happens, soon, and at the voting booth, we can make it a peaceful transition.

My fear is, it won't happen until it is too late.  People won't pay attention until all freedoms are gone: in which case the transition will be violent.  Then, the Constitution Party, will be the backbone of the second American revolution.

Either way, I believe they intend to be in position to lead when called.

This "American Wisdom Series" introduction
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