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Complete book of Nahum on one file.

Book of Nahum in seperate studies below

#1657It is written in both the Old and New Testaments

#1658 Christ told them that this verse, the part He read, was fulfilled this day.
But what about the part of the verse He did not read?

#1659We are going to learn about that "day of vengeance" in this book of Nahum (comfort),

#1660"His WRATH, the vengeance He takes, is "reserved for His enemies"

#1661 Who can "devise" anything "against" the will of God?

#1662Babylon the great shall fall at the hand of Almighty God at the return of Christ and she, that great harlot, shall "be found NO MORE AT ALL", as in gone forever!

#1663 The New World Order is interwoven (folden) together like a basket of thorns and the nations of the world are all intoxicated with her power and great might.

#1664 Oh what a joyous and Happy Day that will be!

#1665  Do not let these "Chariots of Fire" be a mystery to you for God's Word identifies them in the first (and tenth) chapters of the Book of Ezekiel! see pamphlet #1220.

#1666"Come out of her, my people"...

#1667 The whole damnable thing is going to go up in smoke! Take heed!

#1668 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

#1669   As it was in the beginning, so shall it be at the end!

#1670 It is very fitting that the last world ruling empire be called "Babylon the Great"

#1671 "Woe" is not good news to hear from our Father God!

#1672    "History is prophecy" because it is true the "HIStory repeats itself"

#1673We should point out that the nations mentioned in Nahum 3:9 will also align with the "false god", Satan, in these last days as documented in Daniel chapter 11.

#1674 Babylon the great shall fall when God "shakes" her on that day of vengeance

#1675   (Remember in Luke 4:19 He read the first half of Isa. 61:2 and closed the book and sat down saying "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.")

#1676 That fire which devours them comes from Almighty God who is a consuming fire.

#1702 Remember, the king of Assyria is a type of Satan (Isa. 14:25).